Monday, 24 August 2015

Day 1 - Diggers in the Mudbath

Today at 7.30am, the JCB Digger arrived to clear the site and to start creating the driveway for the two houses.  It was a brand new digger, only it's second job and it was certainly tested when the rain started to pour down this afternoon.  Apparently, the only new feature of the digger is cruise control with top speed limit of 30 mph.

There used to be a shed at the bottom of the garden that my husband knocked down.  The bricks were moved from here to create the hardcore for the first part of the drive, and then topped up by a further delivery.  It would be interesting to know where this came from.

The poor builder had not dressed for rain and was absolutely soaked, unlike the JCB driver who was very snug in his cab.  He is so skinny and had to borrow some of Dave's shorts that drowned him!

Let's hope for slightly less rain tomorrow.

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